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How to Make My Home More Energy Efficient

5 Quick & Easy Energy Efficiency Tips

You’ve probably asked yourself, “How do I make my home more energy efficient?”. That’s why you’re here. Energy efficiency means you are using less energy, reducing your home’s energy waste and saving money. To effectively increase your energy efficiency involves more than just using less energy – it requires you becoming aware of how energy is used, where it’s wasted, and how it can be used more effectively and efficiently in everyday life.

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

We all want our homes to be more energy-efficient. Whether it’s because we want to do our part to keep the planet green, or because we want to see the numbers on our electricity bill come down, all of us have proper motivation for making the energy we use go as far as possible. Sometimes the solution to living in a more energy-efficient house is right under your nose, though. If you’ve been looking for ways to cut costs without sacrificing comfort, here are five suggestions you should strongly consider.

Lower Your Thermostat

Your thermostat is the command center for your heating and cooling system. It’s what sets the pace, and decides if your heater or furnace needs to fire up to full-blast, or shut off because your home is warm enough. And while a standard thermostat is fine, a programmable thermostat allows you to make changes that will save you energy in the long-run.

For example, say you have an 8-hour shift at work. No one is home while you’re at the office, so why would you waste energy heating your house? Instead, you program your thermostat to shut off (or at least cool down) when you leave, and then to come back on about an hour before you come home. This ensures your home is always comfortable for you, but it means there are seven hours in the day you don’t have to pay for heating, or cooling.

Get in the habit of lowering the temperature on your thermostat while away from home. Dropping the temp by just three to five degrees will reduce your monthly utility bill and use less energy. According to, lowering your thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees during the work day will save 5% to 15% every year.

Change Your Light Bulbs

While it might seem like a small thing, a colossal amount of energy goes into our lights. So if you’re going to screw in a new bulb, ask whether you want to use a traditional bulb, or a more modern, fluorescent lamp. Because incandescent bulbs will light up a room, but they don’t last as long, and most of the energy that goes into them becomes heat instead of light.

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs offer longer lasting light and are more energy-efficient than your old incandescent bulbs. Since the average home uses 40 bulbs, switching over to greener bulbs is a great way to save on your electrical bill.

That, and they can last for years, instead of months.

Unplug Unused Chargers

Cell phone and battery chargers that are plugged in but not in use are often referred to as energy vampires.

According to, the average charger consumes 0.26 watts of energy when not in use and 2.24 watts when connected to your phone.

Alone, one charger won’t make much impact, but collectively energy vampires can be responsible for 10% of your energy bill. So, unplug your chargers when not in use.

Get Energy Star Appliances

While buying new appliances is a big cost for homeowners, the long-term savings in energy efficiency is often worth it. Energy Star appliances are the most efficient devices you can have installed in your home, and there’s often a tax break associated with them.

Recycling your old refrigerator, water heater, etc. can be a fitting end for appliances that have served their purpose, but who have gotten too old to keep up with today’s demands for efficient machines.

In addition, operating these appliances after peak demand times can further reduce strain on the grid.

Go Solar

Solar energy is extremely efficient due to its ability to generate power directly from the sun. Homeowners that work with a US Solar are able to determine how many solar panels are necessary  to produce enough power for the home’s needs. Better yet, US Solar provides the most efficient solar panels available in the market, allowing homeowners to use less panels compared to conventional solar panels. That fact alone can lead to utility savings over time.

Solar energy is also a great home improvement project because it adds value to the property. In fact, a study done by Zillow states that homes with solar panels typically sell for 4.1% more on average. When compared to similar homes without it. That means homeowners with solar installations not only take advantage of utility-related savings. Can also enjoy an added benefit when putting their house on the market.

Creating a more energy efficient home just makes more sense with solar power. It’s never been easier than with the help of US Solar.

For additional information on the advantages of solar energy, please visit Why Solar Energy?

To learn more about your solar options or to speak with certified installers in your area, request a free, no-obligation solar estimate today.

Change Your Habits

One of the major components in a home’s energy usage is us. We are the ones who decide whether or not to turn on the heat, we are the ones who opt to use the big television set instead of a smaller one, and we are the ones who leave the lights on when we walk out of a room.

One of the best ways to increase your home’s efficiency is to increase your own. If you’re alone in the house, for example, try watching a movie on your laptop instead of firing up the big-screen TV. If you’re a little chilly, put on a sweater or curl up under a blanket before you turn up the heat. That can make a huge difference when you get your bill at the end of the month.

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