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Solar in Florida: What Florida Homeowners Need to Know

It’s no secret that going solar at your home has many benefits. Where do you start when it comes to going solar in Florida? 

Here, we will break down just what homeowners in Florida need to know about switching. By the end, you’ll know what to expect from a reliable solar company in Florida.

Finding a Reliable Solar Provider in Florida

The solar industry has seen explosive growth. It comes as no surprise there are so many companies to choose from in Florida.

Not all companies offer the same value, quality, and ethical business practices. So, do some research to have a smooth experience going solar in Florida.

Where do you begin when selecting a solar provider in Florida? Here are a few things to consider when choosing your solar company:

Local Reputation of Companies Providing Solar in Florida:

A solar provider’s positive reputation with your community is critical. 

Financing Options:

For most, going solar in Florida means financing. Solar companies use programs to help homeowners own their power for less.

Trusted companies in Florida help you get a clear grasp of options. If a provider is unsure about their programs, consider that a red flag.

Ask them to breakdown things like down payment, payment methods, savings, etc. Keep in mind, companies that install more systems usually have better options. That’s because they qualify for better deals due to doing business in volume.


Familiarity with Installation Process:

Contract Language:

Signing a contract to go solar in Florida is an essential step in the process.

There’re some things you want to see in the contract. These are the project timeline, installing the system, system specs, energy production, panel life span, and more.

These contracts are essential, so it’s good to look them over when moving forward with your solar project.

Solar in Florida Installation Process

Another part to consider is the installation process. Since your solar representative will be familiar with this, feel free to ask questions.

Talk about concerns you have about your roof, like age, damage, or material. If you have anything but a shingle roof, ensure they can install your system on it. Ask how the install team preserves the roof water-shedding capability.

In addition to technical info, they’ll give you an idea of how long the install will take. 

You should be familiar with the installation process. So, here’s a quick breakdown:

Mount Installation

The installer mounts components that hold your panels to the roof. These components are called brackets and keep your solar panels in place. Professional companies use Helioscope to understand where the sun best hits your roof. This way, you get maximum solar exposure.

Panel Installation

After installing the mounts in the roof’s trusses, the panels attach to the brackets. Correctly installed panels can endure high-winds and stay in place for decades to come. 


Next, they install the electrical wires and connectors. In Florida, your homeowner’s insurance covers anything attached to your home in line with electrical production.

Inverter Installation

The inverter converts the panels’ energy into electricity. Depending on the type of system you’re getting, you’ll have one of two types. One example is a central inverter, and the other is many micro-inverters. Micro-inverters fit under each panel, and central inverters mount on the wall.

Net Meter

Next, the power company installs a Smart Net Meter. The meter tracks your energy production and usage. It also counts all the extra power your system makes. That power goes to your neighbors on the grid, and the power company pays you for it.

System On

Once the power company installs the meter, your system is ready to turn on. After it’s on, your house is a green home!

FAQs About Going Solar in Florida

Q: Could I buy the solar panels and install them myself?

A: Certified professionals are the best choice for installing your system. Federal and state agencies certify these installers and ensure proper system performance.

Q: How do I find the tax breaks and incentives for going solar in Florida?

A: First, your solar representative should already provide you with that information. If they don’t, you can check out, enter your zip code, and see yourself.

Q: Is it safe to use a solar panel system on my home?

A: Yes. Professional installers use components that meet a high standard. Therefore, this ensures the quality necessary for a safe system in your home.

Q: How will installing a solar panel system affect my home value in Florida?

A: Your home will increase in value significantly after having a system installed. Some studies show that homes with solar panels sell faster than those that don’t.

FAQs About Going Solar in Florida

Without a doubt, installing a solar panel system on your home in Florida is a smart move. By now, you understand just what you are getting into and can choose the best solar provider for your home.

Lower your energy costs, increase your home value, and do your part to help the environment. We’re here to help you go solar.

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